solutions-icon-1We Watch Your Potential Customers

Like a hawk, TechnologyCommand’s ever-expanding master database consists of 3 million companies, an equal number of executives and 28 million B2B contacts. To date, we generate over 250 million intent signals daily.  Now imagine if you had access to these prospects. We can help you act and convert before your competition is aware of the prospective business as well as optimize your marketing process.

solutions-icon-2We Track Your Target Customers

Your target customers are researching your products with our in-house data tracking software, FirstPlace, giving you power to monitor visits to third-party websites. FirstPlace captures the websites’ URL and contents, promptly delivering results to you. This puts you right on top of the funnel. FirstPlace compares interest surges and declines in your products so you know the best conditions under which your target customers are much more likely to convert.


solutions-icon-1 Our Strength is Our Perfected Multi-Point Verification System

We have perfected a multi-point verification system applying your ideal customer filters to get superior results. Each result is run through our proprietary verification system.  We double check relevance of the contact and the importance of the signal.  The result is a true prospect seeking your technology and ready to hear your sales pitch.